Not sure where to start?
Not sure what exercises are correct for you?
Have problems that need factoring into a program?
Trying to prevent recurring pain/problems?

After a thorough discussion and physical assessment with you, we will set up an individual exercise program for you and progress this as you improve. This may encompass stretching for mobility, strengthening, balance work and cardio-vascular fitness training. This may be for weight reduction, during or after pregnancy, after injury, post surgery or if you are looking to become more active. We will ensure you are doing appropriate exercises safely, and working to extend your physical capabilities.

Call the clinic today on 09 412 9063


Learn More About Our Other Services


Muscle, disc, joint (arthritis), nerve (sciatica) or postural problems. Recent or chronic problems…

Sport / Recreation

Muscle, ligament, tendon or joint injury.  We can treat either recent or long standing injuries…


Utilise your own bodies natural healing abilities to help with pain or tissue healing…


Joint strains, swelling/stiffness, arthritic joints, dislocations, joint replacement, tendinopathy issues…


Stress/tension symptoms and breathing problems? Work station design and set up…

Chronic Pain

Help with chronic pain management, increasing activity and improving quality of life…